Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

John Edwards -- The Fawning Fan

As evidence that Cheney's "first time I've met you" remark drew blood, Edwards was on the stump today trying to do damage control. Here's Edwards via ABC News:

"The vice president said that the first time I met Senator Edwards was tonight when we walked on the stage. I guess he forgot the time we sat next to each other for a couple hours about three years ago. I guess he forgot the time we met at the swearing in of another senator. So, my wife Elizabeth reminded him on the stage."

And here comes the beauty part from the same ABC piece:

According to Edwards' staff, Cheney replied, "Oh, yeah."

I just love that reply. It sounds like the response a major public figure or celebrity makes when some adoring fan approaches, asks for an autograph and fawningly asks if they recall meeting once before at some handshake event. Too funny.


Blogger stewdog said...

One of the initial ground rules of the debate was that the candidates were not to address each other directly. Within the first 5 minutes Edwards violated that rule and then continued to do it. Cheney finally gave him tit for tat.
Edwards also committed the supremem no no in that he interruped Cheney about 3 times.
Little John is Jimmy Carter with charm.

October 06, 2004 11:42 AM  

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