Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

W stands for Wedgie

Driving into work, I often listen to Laura Ingraham's radio show. This morning she and her cohorts were having some fun with a Gary Trudeau interview with Charlie Rose last night. For those of you fortunate enough not to know who Trudeau is, he's the cartoonist of Doonesbury fame. If you're even more fortunate in not being familiar with Doonesbury, it's a far left comic strip, seemingly still dog paddling in a 1960's culture mentality. It's a world where every conservative idea, personage, or ideology is portrayed as corrupt, narcissistic, dim-witted, imperialist, or otherwise evil -- brought to bear by the opining of Trudeau's 30/40-something, urbanite, unwittingly socially degenerate, elitist, smirking, trite and otherwise annoying characters. Suffice it to say that if you ever encountered a Doonesbury character in real life you'd most likely say to them, "your revolution is over, dude, the hippies lost." (Hat tip to the Coen brothers). I digress.

Trudeau was apparently whining about George W. Bush's life of privilege and advantage. You see, he apparently sorta kinda knew W at Yale (Trudeau was at Yale too huh? Poor underprivileged, unadvantaged guy) -- or at least observed him there. And what he observed, he didn't like. And what did he observe? Apparently W was the popular kid, running with the cool crowd. Can you imagine?? At 18 years of age, can you imagine a young, good looking kid, from a wealthy and noteworthy family, actually thinking he was cool?? The gall! The haughtiness of it all! The....arrogance!!

This is typical of people like Trudeau who can't seem to view anything in the world today through any other prism other than the stunted, self-conscious, juvenile world of their youth. "George Bush was popular and I was a geek!" Waaaaa!

Grow up, Mr. Trudeau. We've all gone through adolescence and the anxiety of the superficiality of our youth. But most of us grow up. Are you forever going to despise George W. Bush because he was a cool kid in school? Is the source of your liberal angst really the fact that W once gave you a wedgie? What's really sad and humorous at the same time is that if you looked in your heart of heart's, your answer to that glib question would be, "yes".


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