Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hollywood's Limousine Liberals

I read an article in the Los Angeles Times' Calendar section today that actually had the cajones to take a hard look at the detrimental impact Hollywood is having on the Democratic party. Written by Patrick Goldstein, it ventures to make the outlandish suggestion that maybe...just maybe...There's more to America than the glitter enclave of Hollywood's ditsy tinsel-bots.

Goldstein quotes Leon Panetta (Former Clinton White House Chief of Staff):

"...the party of FDR has become the party of Michael Moore and 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and it does not help us in big parts of the country."

The article goes on to chronicle a smattering of the silly comments from some of Hollywood's actors turned pundits including Chevy Chase ("George Bush has the intellect of an egg timer"), John Mellencamp ("Bush is a cheap thug"), also referencing Meryl Streep's "belittling the president's faith" (how she belittled it is not quoted).

Goldstein moves on to hint that maybe all of this Hollywood silliness and superficial Bush-is-a- dumb-bible thumping-nazi ethos actually helped fuel a rallying support for W in "real" America. The article points out:

"According to an ad agency survey of nearly 1,000 registered voters before the election, seeing 'Fahrenheit 9/11' swayed only 4% of respondents to back Kerry while encouraging 24% to back Bush."

Thank you Michael Moore. The RNC should put you on the payroll.

Ron Silver, an actor recently turned conservative is quoted as well:

"There's an incredibly unhealthy uniformity of opinion in Hollywood. When you're at a dinner party and the subject of the president comes up, it's just assumed that all 20 people are thinking, 'How are we going to get rid of this (jerk). I can't think of any colleague in the entertainment community having a serious conversation with someone who's pro-life or a Christian. There's just a real disconnect from the rest of the country."

And that's the sad yet humorous irony to it all. Hollywood loves to disparage the rest of the country as existing within some sort of unenlightened bubble that can't see beyond its own provincial prism. But that characterization, as evidenced by Silver's comments, is better suited for the provincial bubble that is Hollywood.

Goldstein quotes Kirk Wagar, the Democrats' Florida finance chairman:

"Americans love Hollywood and its movies, but the vast majority of the country honestly believes that the limousine liberals from New York and California don't have any respect for their institutions, whether it's going to NASCAR races or church on Sunday. They think that showbiz people feel superior or look down their noses at them. The ultimate irony is that a lot of the most successful people in the entertainment community are from the heartland themselves."

The bad news is that if Democrats are starting to figure out that their party has been hijacked by the extreme left, which is out of touch with mainstream America, then they're likely to adjust, move right and start winning more elections. The good news, however, is that a more mainstream, right-moving Democrat party is good for America in that it will further marginalize and render insignificant the strident voices which hold some sway today.

Goldstein's article, written and plastered in the LA Times right smack-dab in the middle of tinsletown's plastic blue bubble is a sign that American "red" is bleeding from the heartland and will hopefully begin to imbue its wacky shores.


Blogger stewdog said...

I saw that article today also. I can't believe that it got by the censorisimos. I have heard Ron Silver interviewed a number of times and think that he is a refreshing intelligent voice, one of the few who come out of Hollywood who don't just scream platitudes. He retains many of his core liberal views, but supports Bush because he gets defense right.
Now, if you want to get yourself riled up, just visit this website:

November 16, 2004 1:16 PM  
Anonymous la limousine service said...

I saw that article today also. I can't believe that it got by the censorisimos. I have heard Ron Silver interviewed a number of times and think that he is a refreshing intelligent voice, one of the few who come out of Hollywood who don't just scream platitudes.

October 02, 2012 10:30 PM  

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