Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Sunday Comics

I recall with fondness the days when the comics were, indeed, the "Funny Papers". Doonsbury changed all that, turning the comics into an op ed page. I remember when the paper in St. Louis would properly move it to the editorial page when it became too controversial.
Since those days are gone and they ain't never comin' back, I do appreciate an attempt by the Havava. . er. . LA Times to try to bring some balance with a couple of conservative strips. Today's Mallard Fillmore is classic. It is entitled "The Perils of Waiting on Professors". A group of college professors are gathered around a table at a diner and the waitress says: "Our burgers are good.". To which the replies are:
"Well, maybe they're 'good' in your narrow, Western linear world view, but. . ."
" 'Good' is so black and white. . I think in shades of grey!"
" 'Good' is a value judgment. . I do not make value judgments!"
"In some cultures 'good' is bad, you know".


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