Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Friday, October 15, 2004

This and That

I hope this news means that the U.S. and Interim Iraqi government are through "negotiating" with these thugs in Iraq. This seems like a tough and positive step.

Some of the newest tracking polls are showing a small trend toward Bush -- See Zogby and Rasmussen.

Hugh Hewitt weighs in on the increasing controversy over Kerry's remarks about Mary Cheney:

A decent man would never have made the calculation of whether an opponent's child was "fair game," much less the remark. An honorable man would have already apologized. The voters are getting a good look at the real John Kerry, his running mate, and their defenders.

VDH gives a promising and defiant prediction about the outcome of this election:

John Kerry is probably going to lose this election, despite the "Vote for Change" rock tour, despite Air America, despite Kitty Kelley's fraud hyped on national media, despite Soros's hit pieces, despite Fahrenheit 9-11, despite the Nobel Prizes and Cannes Film Awards, despite Rathergate and ABC Memogate, despite the European press, despite Kofi Annan's remonstrations, despite a barking Senator Harkin or Kennedy, despite the leaks of rogue CIA Beltway insiders, despite Jimmy Carter's sanctimonious lectures, despite Joe Wilson, Anonymous, and Richard Clarke — and more. You all have given your best shot, but I think you are going to lose.

More and more evidence is emerging that Saddam Hussein bankrolled terrorists through the corrupt U.N. Oil for Food program. (HT: Powerline)

And finally -- Silly Land -- Drudge has the latest silliness from Teresa Heinz Kerry. First John Edwards claims that if Kerry is elected, people in wheelchairs will get up and walk. Now, Teresa (don't call me Zsa Zsa) Heinz is claiming that she has the cure for arthritis:

"You get some gin and get some white raisins — and only white raisins — and soak them in the gin for two weeks. Then eat nine of the raisins a day"...

Are you like me in that you envision the perpetual sound of a cuckoo clock follows Teresa everywhere she goes?


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