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   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Zay truth, she comes out

With the Cannes Film Festival set to open soon, its president is saying some curious things. Here's what Gilles Jacob had to say today about last year's Cannes and its top award winner Michael moore and "Fahrenheit 9/11":

"Michael Moore's talent is not in doubt. But in this case, it was a question of a satirical tract that was awarded a prize more for political than cinematographic reasons, no matter what the jury said."

Translation: Wee votayd for zat stupeed, fat Amayraycayn's movay because wee sought eet might help to dayfeat zat fasheest George Dubaylyoo Boosh! So much for zay adherence to zay truth in zay art-- wee are reelay just zay whores...

Jacob went on to say that the award for Moore was an "out of the ordinary event that probably won't be repeated."

Uh huh. And why didn't we hear this prior to November 2nd of 2004?


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