Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I sat down to dinner in front of the tv last night, and having been removed from normal society by the demands of a trial, thought I would see what is going on in the world, or at least in NBC's version of it. I see where the Bush Administration (i.e. the country) won a huge victory in the DC Court of Appeals regarding GITMO. Always balanced, NBC then went to their "reaction" shots of this decision. The first one was from the lawyer for the nice bodygard/chauffer of Mr. Bin Laden who bemoaned this decision. In a tip of the hat to Robert Bork, he stated that the framers of the constitution would be aghast at this decision, which ceded so much power to the executive branch.
Then, always showing balanced reporting, they went to a representative of some yahoo liberal organization who denounced it in his best lisp as creating a situation where 'Donand Rumsfeld will now be judge, jury, and executioner of these poor souls.'
Reaction. . . go get em, Don.
Red Meat to the left: Rumsfeld, Rove, 911.
Red Meat to the right: Porterhouse, Filet, Ribeye.


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