Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Friday, September 23, 2005

Legal yes. . but moral?

I am somewhat disturbed (I can hear Wonderdog screaming 'Stop there'!) by this story of the student who was expelled from a Christian High School because her mother and mother are lesbians.
The logic of the school was that school policy requires that at least one parent may not engage in practices "immoral or inconsistent with a positive Christian life style, such as cohabitating without marriage or in a homosexual relationship." As a private religious institution they would seem to be within their rights from a legal point of view, although that line has been blurred lately with issues of abortions and birth control for employees of religious hospitals and institutions.
But is this decision morally defensible for a "Christian Institution", or is it just plain mean spirited. Didn't the mob want to stone the harlot and Jesus himself stopped it, challenging he who is without sin to cast the first stone? This isn't punishing behavior of the student, but the lifestyle of the parents.
There may be more to this story than meets the eye, but I also find it significant that the couple has been together 22 years and have two other daughters, ages 9 and 19. Isn't the Christian ethic one of love and inclusion?
The Superintendent of the school has posted a response on their website. I'm still not buying it (and he left out an all important "not" in the letter.)

UPDATE: I note that the Superintendent's letter now has the "not" in it, indicating that the relationship of the parents was NOT disclosed. Whether it was from my humble missive or 'not' will never be known. I further heard on the news that the older daughter attended the school.


Blogger Jeff said...

I agree with you. This private school should be free to use whatever admissions criteria it likes, but it shouldn't pretend that it's not being highly selective in the sorts of un-Christian behavior it finds unacceptable--unless, of course, their staff is also actively weeding out parents who are adulterers, criminals, liars or perjurers, coveters of others' stuff, people who shout "Jesus effing Christ!" when they stub their toes, and so forth. Of course, if the school did that, they'd find a room full of empty chairs at their parents' association meeting. That's the funny thing about un-Christian behavior: even the best of Christians engage in it.

Besides, is there anything more un-Christian than trying to out-Christian other Christians?

September 23, 2005 2:27 PM  
Blogger stewdog said...

Jeff, did you read the statement by the school superintendent that I linked? He seems to be saying that it is OK if ONE parent is a devil worshiping druken child molesting wiccan, as long as the other is a god fearing church going practicing Christian.

September 23, 2005 2:35 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Yeah, that standard does seem strangely half-hearted.

I agree that there may be more to this story, especially since that school is an unlikely place for a lesbian couple to want to send their children given the school's policies.

September 23, 2005 4:34 PM  

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