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   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"Reid My Lips. . .

. . .No Justice Roberts", or so says that great American Statesman and orator "Give 'em Hell" Harry Reid. Reid thinks that Roberts has the intellectual qualifications for the job, but questions his "heart". I didn't realized that this was The Dating Game.

Reid is obviously just playing to his base, which is the lunatic fringe of the left, which is running the once respectable Democratic Party. Reid basically indicated that he wouldn't support anyone that Bush will nominate, unless it is a Ruth Bader Ginsberg clone. So, what's the motivation now for the Elephants to comprimise on the next nomination?

UPDATE: In a pleasant surprise, Patrick Leahy said that he would vote for Roberts. In an always unpleasant, but to no one's surprise, the Senior Blimp from Massachusetts said that he would oppose him. "There is clear and convincing evidence that John Roberts is the wrong choice for chief justice," Kennedy said. The only thing clear with Ted is the ice in his drink and the only thing convincing is that his shelf life has expired.


Blogger Kate Marie said...

The motivation to compromise is that we Republicans don't like to have the state of our "hearts" questioned. It hurts our tender wittle feewings.

(The sad thing is, that's a pretty accurate statement of the lesson that some thin-skinned Republicans will take away from the "Dating Game" method of choosing Supreme Court nominees.)

[Cue "Dating Game" theme song]

Announcer: "Supreme Court nominee number 3 is an avid bird-watcher and fan of "Sex in the City." He likes long walks in the moonlight, cool baths on lazy afternoons, and Roe v. Wade. According to nominee number 3, the sexiest things about a woman are her eyes, her hair, and her adherence to the principle of stare decisis."

September 21, 2005 10:16 AM  

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