Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Friday, November 11, 2005

The Record Shelf

My Foolish Heart: Nancy LaMott

From Good Thing Going/Not a Day Goes By medley
Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

It started out like a song
We started quiet and slow with no surprise
Then one morning I woke to realize
we had a good thing going.

It's not that nothing went wrong;
Some angry moments of course, but just a few,
And only moments, no more, because we knew
We had a good thing going.

And if I wanted too much,
Was that such a mistake?
You never wanted enough;
All right, tough.
I don't make that a crime.

And while it's going along,
You take for granted some love will wear away;
We took for granted a lot, and still I say,
It could have kept on growing;
Instead it just kept on...

We had a good thing going, . . . going, . . . gone.

I highly recommend this C.D. Every track is wonderful, but the stand-outs for me are the Sondheim medley and a killer version of Two for the Road.


Blogger stewdog said...

Showtunes? What's next? Babs? Barry Manilow? What do you think I am? A meterosexual?

November 12, 2005 10:16 AM  
Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

I love show tunes, but these seem a bit, well, slow -- at least on the samples. Or maybe I'm just stuck in the 70s. I'll stick to more peppy tunes like those in They're Playing Our Song.

November 12, 2005 11:39 AM  
Blogger stewdog said...

I actually bought 3 CDs yesterday.
I rarely, if ever, buy new music, just replace albums that I used to own. I got 2 Leon Russel CD's, Carney and Leon Russell and the Shelter People, and James Taylor's Mud Slide Slim.

November 12, 2005 1:02 PM  
Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

Gads, I must be getting old. I dusted off my "They're Playing Our Song" cd and was playing it while chauffeuring a minor child when all of a sudden Arnez lets out a big G-D I didn't remember. Yikes. After dropping off said child, I listened to the rest of the album and realized there's a lot of implied immorality going on in that show. (E.g., driving out to Quogue for the weekend.) Not the message you want to send a teen, right? What's a parent to do?

(BTW, I am sure all teens have heard worse, but I believe parents shouldn't be the source. It's our job to be shocked! shocked! by bad words and behavior.)

November 14, 2005 10:32 AM  

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