Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Thursday, April 05, 2007

People Unclear on the Concept

Shorter George Skelton: Dear Dr. King, keep your "Jesus" and your "God Almighty" out of the public square. The Founding Fathers said so! And by the way, I know you are, but what am I?

Hat tip to Top Dog, who had this to say:

"I don't know if you've seen the Skelton column of today essentially attacking the Catholic Church for its stand on 'right to die legislation.' He thinks that the Church has no moral authority to address these issues because of the priest abuse scandal. I'm no fan of Cardinal Mahoney and I think he bears culpability in his handling of the abuse scandal, but, last time I checked, the Church doesn't teach the morality of priests having sex with children. It does teach about the immorality of abortion and euthanasia. To call this column sophistry would be too high a compliment.

Skelton suggests that Fabian Nunez 'buck back' by introducing legislation to threaten the tax exempt status of Church property. I 'bucked back' this morning by cancelling my Times subscription. I have a full understanding of the First Amendment. But I don't have to buy my own bullet."

Lest anyone is tempted to discount the significance of Topdog's sacrifice in foregoing the Times on his doorstep at dawn, let me remind you that the arrival of the Boys of Summer makes this the only season of the year in which a daily perusal of the Los Angeles Times may be sometimes worthwhile and occasionally even pleasurable.


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