Today is Saturday, February 22, 2017    

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

And then there's that darned 87 Billion...

John Kerry and the media feel it's important to mention that we've reached 1,000 military deaths in Iraq today.

An Excerpt from Kerry's comments:

"And we are determined that as a nation we will always remember it, we will always stand up and fight for what they have fought for and their sacrifice will not be in vain," Kerry said. "We are committed to making the right decisions in Iraq and the right decisions for them here at home, and that is the way that we will honor their sacrifice."

Hugh Hewitt responds well:

"Who said that fatality number 1000 was more important than any that went before? This isn't a Hall of Fame home run watch..."

I would only add that this lamenting by Kerry loses a bit of its sincerity when we remember that the 87 billion for our troops that he voted against included things like uh...body armor. Are those the kind of "right decisions for them here at home" that he's talking about?

Also, since Kerry saw fit to raise the spectre of The Gettysburg Address by stating that their sacrifice "will not be in vain", I have another number beyond 1,000 that might put things in perspective - 51,112 - the 3 day deathtoll at Gettysburg.


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