Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Sunday, September 26, 2004


Fox's branding with these words brings derision from the left. I can't disagree at times, but Fox is right in terms of it being fair to present a more conservative view of the news to balance out NBC, ABC, PBS, CBS and the rest of the BSers.
Let us take a look at Today's OPINION section of the LA Times to see if there is any fairness and balance therein. One will find:
1. Gregory Rodriguez' piece entitled POUTY WHITE PEOPLE, whose last paragraph contains "When Bush and his bellicose minions are gone. . . "
2. AMERICA THE CONSERVATIVE, written by a Haaavaaad professor
which says we would be more willing to give to the poor if we were more heterosexual. . er. . I mean less heterogeneous.
3. YOU SCARE US in which the author of that masterpiece of literature, CONTRA BUSH, says that Bush is giving Latin America the Willies (We have cloned and are now exporting Bill Clinton?).
4. A retired UCSC Professor bemoaning that his Republican Congressman is a "wholly paid-for tool of the military-industrial complex". (Dwight is turning over in his grave with the way the left took that expression).
5. A reminder of the Catholic Church's sex scandals from a guy whose claim to fame is that he wrote a book trashing Pope Paul II.
6. Four political cartoons: Left 4 Bush 0.
7. How Florida Republicans Keep Blacks from Voting.
8. A bunch of letters, only a few of which support a conservative point of view.
9. A Haaaavard law school perfesser who tells us why it is good to communicate with people who kidnap and cut off heads.
10. On the Environment, the US is a Rogue Nation.
11. A Michael Kinsley piece on Osama.
12 And, thank goodness, Michael Ramirez' cartoon showing the UN as a Barney Fife era police car up on blocks with Kofi at the wheel and the radio saying "Unit One please respond.

There we have it. . fair and balanced.


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