Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Sunday, October 31, 2004

California Ballot

Well, I finally got through studying the ballot. You need to be a lawyer to get through all the propositions (thankfully, I am).
I had to vote for libertarians for my State Senator and State Assembly representatieves, because there were no Republicans even running. Of the tons of Initiatives, the two I feel strongly about are Stem Cell (71) and 3 strikes (66). I don't get to the moral issues on Stem Cell because I can't get past the 3/6 Billion (say that one more time) BILLION dollar price tag. As for 3 strikes, I'm frankly for 1 strike, maybe 2. If you pull a gun in public to commit a crime, violently rape someone, or commit another violent crime, I frankly don't want to see your butt on the street. So, the dramatic drop in the crime rate just might be related to the current 3 strikes law. (Oh, and by the way, in light of this drop in crime, please tell me why we need to tack on another 1/2 cent on our outrageously high LA County tax rate?) (A)
So, here is where I stand:1A Y, 59 Y, 60 Y, 60A Y, 61 N, 62 N, 63 N, 64 Y, 65 N, 66 N, 67 N,68 N, 69 Y, 70 N, 71 N, 72, N.
Tell me where I am wrong before Tuesday and I'll reconsider.


Blogger Kate Marie said...

Looks like you're right about just about everything, Stewdog. I forget which numbers correspond with which Proposition, but make sure you vote no on the one that would allow a run-off (for statewide offices) between the two candidates who get the highest votes, regardless of party (I think that's 62).

I've already voted, and I'm starting to get really antsy about Tuesday (I'm cautiously optimistic).

October 31, 2004 2:02 PM  
Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

If stem cell research is SO promising, why does it need government money? You'd think all those rich folks like Moore, Soros, and Heinz-Kerry would be investing their own hardly earned dollars in such a sure fire success.

October 31, 2004 4:37 PM  
Blogger stewdog said...

Why invest so much money in it when you can invest less in pro 71 propaganda and then play with the house's money? There was a delightful letter in today's Times Business section from Dr. H. Rex Greene, Medical Director of a Cancer Center in the Bay Area: "As a pro-choice progressive/Democrat I've been proud to campaign against this swindle. What shocks me most is the silence of countless scientists who know how dubious a proposition it is to link preliminary basic science with airy claims of panacea. I guess $3 billion is enough to finance everybody's wish list and buy the silence of the skeptics."
Nuff Said!

October 31, 2004 4:50 PM  

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