Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Nut Ward

Churchill, that is. Seems that the good perfesser's invitation to speak at a small college in New York State has been rescinded. He was going to talk on the limits of dissent. I guess he would have been an expert on that. The limits usually run up against a brick wall when you start calling people, whose only crime was to go to work, little Eichman's who are "innocent? Give me a break".

In other disaster news, the Party of Blueness seems ready to run that truck off a cliff again, as they are poised for the Coronation of Howard The Dean as head of the DNC.

Arianna Huffinton has a piece in the LA Times op ed today. I couldn't get past the first paragraph. Please, just go away.

Finally, Adelphia cable will now offer XXX porn on pay per view. The former owner, John Rigas, considered that immoral and never would have allowed it. However, he has an interesting code of morality, since looting the company was ok in his eyes.


Blogger Wonderdog said...

XXX porn now on Adelphia, huh? Now people can pay to view Fahrenheit 9/11? Disgusting.

February 02, 2005 6:03 PM  

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