Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Monday, April 18, 2005

Wonders never cease

Check out this group at Princeton, whose spokesman says the following: "We don't believe that human beings should be used as instruments or objects. We think the proper relationship between humans should be one of respect and love, and we think promiscuity and random hook-ups are completely destructive to respect and love. Dignity itself is a moral standard."

And then there's the predictable response from the usual suspects:

"This is a position that comes from an extreme religious background that sees any sexuality in an open setting as too much sexuality," said Robert A. Kennelley, a junior and spokesman for the Princeton Pride Alliance, a gay umbrella group. "I have heard discussions at the other end of the spectrum about the over-chastity of students here and at the elite schools, where kids are far more interested in their résumés, and in getting into the right grad school or the right bank, than in interpersonal relationships."

I guess it all comes down to how you define "interpersonal relationships," doesn't it? Which do you prefer -- the Princeton "prudes" and their emphasis on Kantian principles or the Princeton Pride Alliance and their concern with the epidemic of "over-chastity" in the Ivy League?

(HT: Ann Althouse)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

EwMWf |
xLobz |

August 20, 2005 3:24 AM  

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