Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Don't go there, Mr. Dean

Howard Dean has been marginalized and labeled as a nut case. As such, I can usually dismiss him and let his demagogic comments slide. However, I simply can't let a comment such as the one he made yesterday go without refuting it in some small way. Here was Dean:

"They say they want small government, but their government is just big enough to fit inside Terri Schiavo's bed in the nursing home.''

Excuse me? Who was in Terri Schiavo's bed? I believe it was the minions of your party, Mr. Dean, who were literally there removing her feeding tube, not the conservatives who wished that she simply be left alone.

It's the same argument the left makes about abortion when they squeal the bumper-sticker mantra, "Stay out of my uterus!". The reality is that anti-abortion proponents want to stay as far away from your uterus as possible. They simply want it and the life therein to be left alone. If you want someone to stay out of your uterus, talk to Dr. Death over there who is about to invade it and crush the skull of the little life inside.

There. I feel better now.


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