Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Outrage of the Day

Olympic Athletes are ambassadors for their country and for their sports. In Mexico City in 1968, Tommy Smith and John Carlos elected to break the trust given to them with their fisted glove black power salutes. The crass politization of the Olympics was uncalled for and properly got them thrown out of the Olympic village. The Olymics should be free from personal political agendas, but people like Smith and Carlos, Jimmy Carter, and the terrorists who slaughted Olympic athletes just don't see it that way.
Shouldn't Smith and Carlos remain shamed and shunned? Heck no. San Jose State is allowing a 23 foot statue to be erected on the campus, celebrating their 'protest of racial inequality.'
At least it is being paid for by the students, but doesn't this school have any sense of protriety or shame?
While we are celebrating Olympic misbehavior, how about a statue commemorating the US Olympic team's trashing of their dormatories?


Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

Will they next be erecting a statue in Munich to "celebrate" Palestinian marksmanship? Yeesh.

June 26, 2005 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stewdog- did someone tear pages out of your history book before you got around to reading it? The modern Olympics have been politicized since day one- with the pinnacle being the 1936 Berlin games. Perhaps you've heard of great reception Jesse Owens got when he returned from winning 4 gold medals?

June 30, 2005 5:27 PM  

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