Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A glimpse at Cindy Sheehan's priorities

The AP reporter who wrote this story would have you believe differently. It begins:

"Even when she was in California taking care of her mother..."

But it's not just my own incredulity for things Cindy Sheehan that would lead me to believe she doesn't really care all that much about her mother. I'll let Cindy Sheehan speak for herself:

"This is where I belong, until Aug. 31, like I told the president."

No. Ms. Sheehan was not speaking of belonging at her mother's bedside where she could give her aid and comfort as she begins "physical therapy for paralysis on her right side" for a stroke she has just suffered. She was speaking of Crawford, Texas -- where she has just returned (after a brief visit to the bedside of her mother) to hang out with the likes of Vigo Mortensen and a gaggle of misguided Cindy worshipers.

Question for AP reporter: How is Cindy Sheehan "taking care of her mother" when she is in Crawford, Texas just as physical therapy is set to begin to help her mother recover? And don't get me wrong. I understand how difficult it is to care for a parent in such a state of failing health because the demands of every day life often will not allow for the time we would need to give them such care. But in Cindy's case...she' time to hang out in the desert...and stuff.

Here's how Cindy's arrival back at the vigil went:

When Sheehan arrived at the campsite, she saw a large banner depicting her son's face. She sobbed and said she felt ill. Supporters brought her water and cold towels, and she recovered about 20 minutes later.

I bet her mother could use some water and cold towels...

Update: Tim Blair has more on Mother Sheehan. It's not quite a grilled cheese sandwich, but hey, a saint has to start somewhere ...


Blogger stewdog said...

Slow News Summer = Sheehan coverage

August 25, 2005 10:44 AM  

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