Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Grief, Inc.

This article by Bruce Thornton at Victor Davis Hanson's site nicely encapsulates what I've found especially annoying about the canonization of "Mother Sheehan" -- the contemporary Oprah-esque notion that one's grief, one's status as victim, imparts some special insight or "moral authority." Thornton suggests it's a symptom of pampered Western self-absorption, and I agree. [And, yes, I suppose I'm perpetuating the self-absorption in my own tiny way with this post.]

I pray that the poor woman (along with all the grieving mothers of the world) can be comforted in her grief. But the media frenzy surrounding her vigil strikes me as unseemly in its implication that it's only the suffering of people like us that matters.


Blogger Wonderdog said...

"Robert Pape thinks we should withdraw from the region completely and "secure our interests in oil," as he put it, from a distance. If we take his advice we won't end the threat from our enemies. We'll give them military victories for free. And we'll throw our liberal Muslim friends to the Islamist wolf. It's the most disgraceful and despicable thing we could possibly do, not to mention one of the dumbest. Empowered liberal-democratic Muslims with guns will defeat the Islamists in the end. We can't do it without them, and they can't do it if they're languishing in mass graves and dungeons."

Amen, brother.

August 16, 2005 9:20 AM  

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