Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Corzine to Appoint Boy Ranger

John Corzine today announced his choice to replace him as interim Senator for New Jersey. The appointee, Jefferson Smith, has no prior political experience except as the leader of the New Jersey chapter of the Boy Rangers. Asked how he felt about the appointment, Smith declared, "Why I feel like I could lasso the moon. Here, have a Boy Rangers pin." Queried about his choice, Corzine answered, "He'll do just fine as long as he restricts himself to building boys' camps and such." Clarissa Saunders, the Senate staffer assigned to assist Smith in his transition to Washington opined, "He's the biggest sap to walk into this town on two legs...He is kinda cute, though."


Blogger Kate Marie said...

Jefferson Smith is a smirking fascist chimp. He is bought and paid for by the extreme, far right, nutso fringe Boy Ranger lobby who want to return us to the days of slavery/Jim Crow/back alley abortions/war-mongering imperialism/[insert your own favorite "sky is falling" rhetoric here]. His willingness to sell America's soul and shred the Constitution will indeed make him the "richest man in town." And I find your selective quotation of his reaction to the appointment highly disingenous. Here is the quote in full: "Why I feel like I could lasso the moon. Here, have a Boy Rangers pin. I'm gonna make a million dollars . . . Hot dog!"

November 17, 2005 2:33 PM  
Blogger Madman of Chu said...

"Smirking?" How do you know he isn't grinning? Or just about to burp? For that matter, do you imagine that chimps are the only apes that smirk? If you believe that there's a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to show you. I once saw an orangutan who not only smirked, but leered and made a lewd gesture that would have made Michael Jackson blush.

November 17, 2005 4:54 PM  

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