Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Thursday, March 30, 2006

What would Jesus do? Ask Hillary

So Jesus would not have abided by modern day immigration laws, huh? So says Hillary Clinton. I do remember his parents being pretty adherent to that census, though. At any rate, here's her quote regarding the recently passed immigration bill which would make it a felony to be in the country illegally or to aid an illegal immigrant:

“It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures, because the bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself.”

I now offer this quote from none other than Woody Allen via one of his characters in Hannah And Her Sisters:

"If Jesus came back and saw what's going on in his name, He'd never stop throwing up."

Her quote, of course, is pure politics (is there anything from a Clinton that is not?), and is calculated to try to win back some of the Catholic vote that the Democrats have lost by attempting to appease hispanics.

But how do these suddenly sympathetic remarks about illegal immigrants square with the comments she made in a 2003 radio interview?:

"I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants...(The U.S.) might have to move toward an ID system even for least a visa ID, some kind of an entry and exit ID."

It doesn't square of course. But those remarks were made to appear tough on terror by protecting our borders. Back then it was politically smart to pretend to be so. Now, it's perhaps smarter to get a little warm and fuzzy with immigration laws and, heck, throw a little Jesus in there for good measure.

Are you like me and think it's probable that, if and when Hillary first had her ears pierced, part of a CNN/Gallup poll began to ooze out? Are you like me and think that somewhere Jesus heard about this and, using the parlance of our times, said, "Oh, no she di-ent!"? Are you like me and think that Hillary wouldn't know a Scripture if it were tied to her ass with a bell on it? Are you like me and think that Hillary would machine-gun illegals at the border if it meant she could be president? Are you like me and think that Clintons can be found on any seedy street corner whoring their politics for twenty bucks a pop?


Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

WWJD? I don't think He would be backing abortion, Hill. I doubt He would be in favor of you demonizing His children (Republicans, conservatives, Dubai Arabs, "right wing" Christians, women groped by your husband, etc.) and using His Scriptures in order to advance yourself politically.

And forgive me if this is a dumb question, but since when is the Good Samaritan an illegal alien? I don't remember reading about his legal status in Scripture.

March 30, 2006 4:37 AM  
Blogger stewdog said...

No, Wonderdog, I am not like you. In fact NO ONE is like you. It is because you are just so special.
But your essay and CIV's comments got me thinking about one of my favorite bumper stickers:
"Who Would Jesus Bomb?"

March 30, 2006 7:06 AM  
Blogger Wonderdog said...

CIV, good points. I just hate the presumption by these people that they can transform themselves in a blink of an eye and think the electorate too stupid to notice. Say what you will about W but he is at least a man of convictions who remains committed to the things he believes in. These Clintons scare me with the ease at which they comport themselves to the prevailing gallup poll. It's really frightening.

SD, Who would Jesus bomb? Well, based on his antics at the temple, I think he may start with Hollywood, kick ass and take names...

March 30, 2006 11:24 AM  
Blogger stewdog said...

Yeah. . I loved the story at the Temple. . showed him to be a man of fire with a temper. . not the lamb petting wus that 3rd grade books would have us believe.
Now if he could only come back to congress and throw his weight around . . "and you have made it a den of theives".

March 30, 2006 3:32 PM  

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