Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Monday, May 08, 2006

To mock a killingbird: NYT protects Zarqawi

XDA has a very telling quote from the NY Times. It reveals, remarkably, what can only be perceived as their defense of Zarqawi in his now infamous Dukakis moment. Here's the quote:

The weapon in question is complicated to master, and American soldiers and marines undergo many days of training to achieve the most basic competence with it. Moreover, the weapon in Mr. Zarqawi’s hands was an older variant, which makes its malfunctioning unsurprising. The veterans said Mr. Zarqawi, who had spent his years as a terrorist surrounded by simpler weapons of Soviet design, could hardly have been expected to know how to handle it.

Do you remember the NY Times attempting to explain that, while Dan Quayle did technically misspell "potato" while MC-ing a spelling bee, it wasn't really his fault because the misspelling was written on the flashcard he was given (which is completely true)? Nah, but c'mon! I mean the guy misspelled potato! Maybe if he'd merely been beheading people on the internet we would have cut the guy some slack.

All snide remarks aside, this is really disturbing. Here we have one of the best PR videos around to embarrass the insurgency in Iraq and make terrorists in general look foolish, impotent, and silly. It's a great vehicle to undermine the cause of murder and mayhem the world-over. And what does the Times do? They stick up for this killer and beheader!

Ah, but here's the rub. If Zarqawi looks bad, Bush looks good. Nuh uh, not gonna do it. Not gonna do it!

I mean...something like this could discourage enrollment in Al Qaeda and terrorist networks around the globe. We can't have that! That would deal a blow to the insurgency in Iraq and embolden our troops even more and give Iraqi democracy an even better chance to succeed! And then...George W. Bush would have a victory in this war and that just can't happen! I just CAN'T!!! "And you know what'll happen then? All the ladies in Maycomb, including my wife, will be knockin' on his door bringin' angel food cakes..."

I may not be much, but I'm still the biggest protector of liberal ideology in this country, and Zarqawi's weapon is complicated to master. Good night, sir.

[HT: Hugh]


Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

Here we have one of the best PR videos around to embarrass the insurgency in Iraq and make terrorists in general look foolish, impotent, and silly. It's a great vehicle to undermine the cause of murder and mayhem the world-over. And what does the Times do? They stick up for this killer and beheader!

Dog, this should be your Letter to the Editor. Call them on this. I bet more than half their readers won't even think "WTF?" (as any sane person should).

May 08, 2006 4:18 AM  
Blogger Kate Marie said...

First, Wonderdog, why smear a decent man like Heck Tate by comparing him to the NYT?

Second, I'm with CIV here. The article is pretty unbelievable. They had to go out of their way, in my opinion, to look for an angle in which the Bush administration appears in a bad light (and in the process, they do *appear* to be shoring up Zarqawi's reputation).

May 08, 2006 9:49 AM  
Blogger Wonderdog said...

Not smearing good ol' Heck Tate, KM. I just have this record in my head that plays old quotes and sometimes they weave their way into my writings without any real relevance.

CIV, I'd love to call the NYT on this but...I don't even have a subscription. Feel free to use it if you wish.

May 08, 2006 10:25 AM  
Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

Now you're smearing me, WD. I have never liked the NYT (and I've been a newspaper junkie for 35 years or so), do not subscribe, and only rarely and sparingly read anything from it on-line.

May 08, 2006 2:19 PM  
Blogger Wonderdog said...

A pox upon me for a clumsy lout, CIV.

May 09, 2006 1:17 AM  

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