Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

I never paid much attention to Father's Day. Sure, we'd throw the old man a bone every third year or so, but he always seemed as pleased when a year passed sans tie as with. When Sadeeq became a father my esteem for the holiday rose marginally. All right, very marginally. But it was only when I became a father that I realized just how important this holiday really is. I mean, where would we all be without fathers? More importantly, what peace would we enjoy if we didn't keep our fathers appeased with good swag on a yearly basis? Sure, Madwoman endured four days of labor making me a father. But I figure that only means it's all been downhill for her from there. Meanwhile, I've taught Poopypuppy critical life lessons like how funny it is when people burp and how you can eat anything that wasn't on the floor for more than ten seconds. So remember the dads, people (Dad, if you're reading this your tie is in the mail). And to all you Rumpusers who are dads and to all our paternal readers, Happy Father's Day!


Blogger stewdog said...

Right back at you, MadDad. Fathers. . . God Bless Them Every One!

June 18, 2006 8:04 AM  
Blogger Kate Marie said...

Sorry I'm a day late on this one . . . Happy Father's Day to you, Madman -- and to Sadeeq, Topdog, Stewdog, and Wonderdog!

Madman, you were pretty daring with the food on the floor rule . . . in our house, it's the *five* second rule. And if Poopypuppy enjoys hearing people burp, the four year old Peanut will be able to entertain her for hours.

June 19, 2006 10:35 AM  

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