Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I've been very busy the past week or so. The last moment of frivolity I can recall was attending a ballgame about a week ago with Stewdog, Templeton and my baby bro. Stewdog scored the great seats and I'm indebted to him (much to my chagrin). He even fronted me some money for my food and spirits. Now I'm obliged to finance his fancy for the next guys night out. I'll say this; Stewdog is a great guy but it irks me to no end to owe him a favor!

This said, I just want to chime in with the thought that there is nothing better for the soul than enjoying a baseball game with some buddies and a beer (or scotch).

Wars may rage, politicians may squabble, and hurricanes may gather, but the crack of the bat, the pop of the leather, and the roar of the crowd plays on like the purring chimes of home to which we can always, longingly, return.

Yes, baseball. No matter what may come or what may go, it will always live on. The national anthem will be played, caps will plant themsevles across beating hearts, the first pitch will ring, and thousands will rise in unison for the hope that a batted ball will find its way beyond the fence.

Fly on, ball! Find your home among your adoring brothers! Let them lean, grasp, yearn and move to greet you as the soaring treasure that you are!


Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

Dang. Now I'll have to turn on the Nats game.

My rugrat says the HS is in World Cup fever. World Cup? Soccer? Yawn.

I said that it isn't even an American sport. "But every class has the set tuned to it!" That, I explained, is because half your school is made up of foreigners. There was some squawking about that, but I won the point as it is true, or nearly so.

Plus, all the kids around here play soccer, at least for a little while, because it is the first sport you can join. The foreigners have indoctrinated out youth; there will be no baseball in a generation or so. :-(

[Scotch at a baseball game? Ugh. Hand me a Natty Bo.]

June 13, 2006 4:39 AM  
Blogger stewdog said...

I concur wholeheartedly with your sentiments about baseball, Wonderdog. Nothing like it. And it isn't just watching the game that is so great. It is talking about it, and reading about it, and digesting box scores, and noticing that your crummy Angels actualy gained a game in the standings last night.

June 13, 2006 7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No clock.....that is what makes it great...some of course think that is what makes baseball boring, or too long...not me. It gives it that wonderful feeling of freedom and unexpected wonder. No two playing fields are alike. No limits on where the outfield wall is, or how it is shaped.. It makes it so that no matter how many runs your team is down, there is always just a Chance, a real hope....that they can come back. There are No timeouts, other than the coach or catcher coming out to talk to a struggling pitcher...and then again clock on that either..just the umpires decision on when it should end. All that makes time for conversation with the people who you came with or are watching with, or perhaps the people you don't know sitting behind you makes so you can have the radio on in the garage as you are cutting the grass or working in the garden and catch the score now and then...and still be IN the game.. Its baseball...its summer...Its the best.

June 13, 2006 10:11 AM  
Blogger Wonderdog said...

CIV, soccer will never fully catch on here. Baseball is America and that kicking the ball game is for the rest of the world.

SD and Temp, it was a great time and your comments do the heart good.

June 13, 2006 10:23 PM  

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