Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Monday, June 05, 2006

Sound advice for Rudy

I know all this speculation means nothing at the moment, but it's fun anyway. Here's some advice for Rudy Giuliani's potential presidential run that makes good sense to me:

My own view is that there is a third strategy for Giuliani to become an acceptable candidate to religious conservatives. That would be to state publicly that he believed that President Bush had made two very good appointments to the Supreme Court in John Robert and Sam Alito. He could also say that if elected, he would seek to find similar justices for the High Court when any vacancies occurred: men or women of great professional competence and integrity, committed to a serious examination of the language and meaning of the Constitution, and not to making new law on the Court.

The reality is that "progressive" social legislation generally does not pass the Congress to become law. Law changes to implement the "progressive" social agenda have been more often judicially mandated. If Giuliani promises to appoint Supreme Court and lower court justices who will be perceived as strict constructionists (even if he does not use those exact words), then he will do no worse in this area than a candidate who has professed a pro-life policy for his or her entire political career.


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