Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Coulter Hub Bub

By now we have all heard ad nauseum about Ann Coulter's new book, her interview with Matt Lauer, and the unkind comments she had for four of the widows of 911.

My thoughts:

1. Ann tends to say outragous things to get her points across. Put me down in the column that says she went too far this time and was unkind and over the line in her choice of words.

2. She does however, make some solid points. The left tends to march out the crippled, the widowed and the martyred to make it points, and then chastises anyone who criticises the victim-spokesperson. (Can we all remember the "How Dare You" I got about St. Cindy Sheehan, Our Mother Of Perpetual Protest)?

3. Ann knows how to sell books. Beyond being a political commentator there is a calculating snake oil salesman there who learned long ago that it doesn't hurt to have a gimmick.

4. If she can deflect the MSM and the left's criticisms of Bush/Cheney on to her, so be it.

5. Anyone who can p**s off Margaret Carlson is ok with me.

6. Anyone who can p**s of Hillary Clinton is ok with me.

In the end I am disappointed with her tactics, because it gives ammo to the left where none should be left. There are brilliant and evenhanded commentators on the right who get their point across with intelligence, character, and fairness. Hugh Hewitt and Charles Krauthhammer come to mind. As one who is largely conservative, I don't feel my point of view is fairly represented by the Savages, Limbaughs and Coulters of the world.


Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

You never take guilty pleasure in what Savage and Coulter say?

At least they're not calling liberals "Hitlers" and blaming them for hurricanes.

June 12, 2006 5:33 PM  
Blogger stewdog said...

I turn off Michael Savage as soon as I hear his wretched voice. Ann makes her points, but I am no fan of Ann. Give me Laura. Give me Hugh. Give Me PJ O'Rourke!!!! As for Bill Clinton, he watched the movie "Say Anything" once too often.

June 12, 2006 9:03 PM  

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