Jeffery Hodges at
Gypsy Scholar has written a great series of posts about the mad, mad, mad, mad world of drug abuse and its consequences. It begins with
the secret of the universe . . .. . . and continues with
"a false dreame" . . . and
Mad Mark . . . and
Der Tod . . . and
Alcatraz . . . and "
freaked-out fish." Where it all ends, though, where it always ends, is right about
here, though not necessarily -- indeed, not usually -- preceded by the brief halcyon days of creativity and song:
If I should fall from grace with God And no doctor can relieve meIf I'm buried 'neath the sodBut the angels won't receive meLet me go, boysLet me go, boysLet me go down in the mudWhere the rivers all run dry.
CIV is grateful for getting through teen years and college w/o drugs.
Talking fish? Whew. No thanks.
I did know a gal back then, though, who suddenly stopped walking and said, "Blue. Everything is blue." I guess flashbacks live on for years, as I'm pretty sure she was clean at the time.
Me, too, C.I.V. It's one thing I'm glad I *won't* have to be a hypocrite about when I talk to my kids about it.
Actually, though, I'm wondering whether some of the schools aren't whipping kids into hysteria about some things. The other day, my daughter asked whether Daddy drinks Dr. Pepper (yuck!) every day, and I said I supposed he drank one almost every day. She got all frantic and asked if he was going to die!
Oh, geez. Yeah, they are really pushing zero tolerance on things that don't matter much. But abstain from sex? Oh, no, you just wait until you are "ready."
Personally, I feel it is my duty as a parent to drink beer in front of the rugrat. I don't drink much or often, but I do like the occassional brewski and I don't want RR thinking beer is immoral, illegal, or unhealthy (in reasonable doses).
(I'd have to agree with the Princess about the Dr. Pepper, though. Yuck. Cherry does not belong in a soft drink.)
Is it cherry or prune juice? Either way, I agree they don't belong in soft drinks.
I like your policy about drinking beer in front of the rugrat, actually. I drink a glass of wine with dinner sometimes (I probably should drink a glass of red wine every night --it's supposed to be good for you). Sometimes the European way makes sense, much as I hate to admit it.
Hmmm. Apparently the Dr Pepper formula is a secret, but it doesn't contains prunes.
CIV doesn't care for Dr Pepper or wine, but will drink a little of either to be polite. Sometimes you can get away with pouring beer into a champagne glass and, once the head disappears, pretending to be too sophisticated for mere (flat) wine. (Don't try this with dark beers; stick to pilsner.)
A secret? Who would want to steal it?
You're both speaking sacrilegeously about Dr. Pepper, and I may have to do something drastic about this ... like post a blog entry or something.
Jeffery Hodges
* * *
Jeffery, you could title your post "Why good people make bad soft drink choices."
Good title. The entry will explore KM and CIV's inexplicable distaste for the celestial drink, Dr. Pepper.
C'mon, you two -- be a Pepper!
Jeffery Hodges
* * *
From the Ozarks to Korea. . . quite a journey there HJH. You make a great point re small towns. You have more privacy in a city of 10 million than in a town of 50.
KM. When are we going to have an intervention for Sadeeq and his "Pepper Jones". A little tough love is in order.
Hey....I'm glad to see that SOMEONE had stood up to the communist views of those here on the Dr. Pepper thing...It's the "Water to Wine" of the Mid-west and South folks. Thanks HJH!!
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