Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Sunday, January 28, 2007


OK, I jumped through the hoops and just signed into the "new blogger" or whatever. I don't like change. I feel that zombies have taken over me. I hope this publishes. If not, my fingers took a walk (with apologies to the Yellow Pages).

Sunday. January almost gone. The pre Superbowl chill out honey dooo weekend. Finally finished packing all of Christmas and put it away till December. Got the Misses a new car. . saw the stewpup down from Santa Cruz and took naps. Ah. . the 50's. . the decade of napping dangerously.

About the most newsworthy event going on is the anti Bush (um. . or anti war) protests. Bush is an easy target. "Mistakes were made". . but just turn this country over to Cindy Sheehan, Maxine Waters, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda and the merry band of peace pimps and see where you would be in 20 years. Sorry Jane, In the words of the Who, I "won't get fooled again".

So, what am I most looking forward to, other than seeing a number of these Rumpusers next weekend at the annual "Marty party"? I can't wait until thes 08 presidential election is over. I'm already just sick of it, and we have 2 more years to go.


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