Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Monday, November 01, 2004

Evidence that Kerry received a less than honorable discharge from the Navy

I don't expect this story will even register as a blip on the news radar screen today. However, it's indicative of how much we simply don't know about Kerry. He's been the least investigated presidential candidate I can remember.

Wondering...How long do you think it would take today before you came face to face with this story had it been about Bush? What time does The Today show start rolling?

If Bush manages to pull out a victory tomorrow, it will be a monumental achievement. He will have succeeded against the most ravenous and partisan Media ever assembled against a candidate, the Hollywood hate-mongers and their propaganda films, the collective powers-that-be at the U.N. and the envious world community, and the effete zeitgeist of academia. It will be a victory for the pure American spirit over the poisoned and bitter cynicism of a world grown old and too inept to face its challenges.


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