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   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Thursday, November 04, 2004

The exit poll scandal that is (hopefully) soon to emerge

I tried to link this Dick Morris piece yesterday but was unable to access it, most likely due to huge internet traffic.

Here's a snippet of an assessment by the man who, regardless of what you may think of him as a person, knows politics and polling very well:

So why were the exit polls wrong?

That an exit poll is always right is an axiom of politics. It is easier to assume that a compass is not pointing north than to assume that an exit poll is incorrect. It takes a deliberate act of fraud and bias to get an exit poll wrong. Since the variables of whether or not a person will actually vote are eliminated in exit polling, it is like peeking at the answer before taking the test.

But these exit polls were wrong. And the fact that they were so totally, disastrously wrong is a national scandal. There should be a national investigation to unearth the story behind the bias.

Based on the myriad of MSM biases inflicted upon W during the campaign, is there any doubt that these polls were dirty and intended to influence the outcome of the election? If we're ever to have any faith in our news agencies again, we really need to get to the bottom of this.


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