Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Peterson and the death of many things

And so Scott Peterson will die in about fifteen years by lethal injection. It will be clean and humane and he will simply go to sleep.

Do you think Laci and Conner were alive when they were tied to that heavy object and tossed overboard into the dark and deep waters which became their murky, shifting and surreal tomb? I wonder how many rounds of golf Scott managed to get in during the months that she and Conner were being feasted on by sea creatures as they drifted by, gaunt and ghost-like?

As a young husband and father, I grieve not for Scott Peterson, but I do grieve for the carnage of young lives that are wasted away and gone in his wake -- including his own. A young man and woman, a new and emerging life soon to be born into the world, a blossoming family, could have filled the coming days and years with love, laughter, hope, faith, and beauty. How does such an enterprise with the potential for such promise end like this? -- with the horrific remnants of once youthful and vibrant corporeal frames washing up on a beach like driftwood; with a once youthful man, who could have given that driftwood all of the love, happiness and comfort that 10,000 days can hold, soon to grow gaunt and ghoulish and shuffling his shackled feet down a stark hallway toward the termination of his wasted life.

I don't take glee in Scott Peterson's death sentence, I take pity in it.


Blogger stewdog said...

I still can't believe how much ink and on air time was spent (wasted) on this case. It is an indictment of the American populace and how far we have fallen. People don't read or think. .they watch lurid celebrity trials and talking heads about them and waste the rest of their time on 'reality' shows.
I also was a bit put off by the "pep rally" attitude of the crowd celebrating the death sentence. Not an appropriate response, in my book.
Now if we can get Blake and Jackson out of the way. . . naw. . there will be more garbage creating transgressions down the road. As Don Henley once sang
"We need dirty laundry".

December 15, 2004 3:48 PM  
Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

I'm proud to say I don't watch TV and know very little about the Peterson case. Guess I would make the perfect juror. Actually, it was impossible to avoid the Peterson case, but it wasn't as big news here as out there. In fact, I had to search to find the sentencing verdict in the Washington Post (aka Pravda), which put it in a very small box near the bottom of the front page.

I've heard of the Blake and Jackson cases, but mainly via headlines on Drudge, not wall to wall coverage in Pravda. Of course, we get non stop political editorials on the front page every morning.

December 16, 2004 10:22 AM  

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