Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Saturday, January 29, 2005


Writing in The Claremont Review of Books, Gerard Alexander has the goods on the intellectual laziness of some of neo-conservatism's critics. According to Alexander, the tendency of some neo-con critics to misunderstand or mischaracterize the intellectual history of neo-conservatism and to homogenize the ideas of its adherents often results in shallow or cliched critiques of neo-conservative thought. Moreover, according to Alexander, because critics of neo-conservatism often insist on treating it as an hermetically sealed ideology -- as a doctrine not unlike Marxism -- they fail to account for it as a foreign policy position, which would otherwise be done by measuring neo-conservative principles/strategies against the principles/strategies of other foreign policy positions such as realism and liberal institutionalism.

Alexander is no neo-con apologist, so those readers hoping to dismiss his essay as a tendentious crypto-Straussian paean to Paul Wolfowitz will be greatly disappointed. Those readers, on the other hand, who can appreciate a call for greater clarity and precision in discussions of an important strand of foreign policy thought are strongly advised to read the essay.


Blogger Wonderdog said...

We all know what "anti-neocon" means today, don't we? It's a convenient and polite way for the jew haters to say "anti-semitic".

January 29, 2005 6:14 PM  

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