Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Monday, March 28, 2005

Mid-Morning Report

I saw a Fox News report this morning indicating that Al-Zarqawi was surrounded and close to being captured in Iraq but I've yet to find anything about it in the blogosphere. Still keeping my fingers crossed that this guy is finally brought to justice -- preferably a "Dirty" Harry Callahan type of justice. Or better yet, maybe we should bring him before Judge Greer.

Elsewhere, Roger Simon weighs in on a special Oil-For-Food report. The Independent Committee investigating the matter is about to release its initial findings on Tuesday. According to Simon, there's a likelihood that some startling information will be revealed that implicates Kofi Anan. This could get really ugly.

John Fund takes a look at the Elian Gonzalez case and its parallels to Terri Schiavo. Many who oppose federal intervention for Terri were all for it when it came to Elian.

And now for the Jacko update. (I'm giving Stewdog warning so he can skip this part). Jacko recently did an interview the Reverend Jesse and says he draws strength from other oppressed black men such as Nelson Mandela, Jack Johnson, Muhammad Ali and the Reverend Jackson himself. He also had this to say about his obvious physical ailments on display in court:

"I was coming out of the shower and I fell on my body weight."



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