Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The LA Times is intentionally hiding their bias from the new media

I had wanted to mention this earlier today but simply got too busy.

I've been noticing a trend in the reporting of the LA Times. I've been tracking this for a while and it seems that the actual, physical distribution paper that is delivered to homes often contains pictures and articles of a more biased nature which do not appear on their website.

Case in point:

The headline picture above the fold in today's Los Angeles Times dealt with the forced Gaza pullout. And what image, pray tell, did they use to depict this event? A frightened, crying child perhaps? A terrified elderly woman confronted by uniformed eviction notice totting men? Nope. The image was of a disheveled, pot-bellied man in boxers, a woman in leopard skin undergarments with a cigarette dangling from her fingers, and a baby sitting nearby inhaling the toxic smoke -- all sitting in chairs on their tiled patio like some kind of suburban trash straight out of "Raising Arizona" -- sneering vulgarly at two uniformed men standing by unmenacingly.

This picture is not included in their online pictorial of the pullout (which includes pictures more sympathetic to the Jewish citizens). Is it possible they're intentionally including such images in their distribution paper but leaving it off their website to avoid the wrath of the blogosphere?

Just a thought.


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