Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Whacky Left

Apparently, major issues of significance to the Left have all been resolved favorably. How else to describe them turning their energy to the color of the visiting locker room at the Hawkeye's stadium?


Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

Critics say the use of pink demeans women, perpetuates offensive stereotypes about women and homosexuality, and puts the university in the uncomfortable position of tacitly supporting those messages.

What doofuses. Complaining about pink is offensive. If there's nothing wrong with women and gays, and pink denotes women and gays, then what's wrong with pink? And isn't it rather close minded of them to associate pink with women and gays? Doesn't that cripple straight men, by denying them a perfectly fine color? And what the hell is wrong with pink?

CIV knows of a leftie couple that gave away all the pink baby outfits they received as gifts upon the birth of their daughter. Apparently pink was so offensive to them, they couldn't stand to have it around. But, pink was good enough for the poor, to whom they donated the clothing.

(And isn't it funny that a couple of pinkos didn't like pink?)

Tell me this makes sense. Yeesh.

September 28, 2005 10:40 AM  

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