Say it IS so. . Joe
Barry Bonds. . .a cheater? Who could have guessed?
Memo to Bud Selig. . meet with these authors and investigate this. If true, how about a 2 year suspension and an asterisk next to all of his records.
Memo to Bud Selig. . meet with these authors and investigate this. If true, how about a 2 year suspension and an asterisk next to all of his records.
I'm shocked, shocked.
As far as I'm concerned, they should add asterisks to McGwire (sp?)and Sosa's names as well.
Dogs, dogs. Calm down. What we need is a Congressional investigation. Somebody send the article to Rep. Tom Davis. He loves meeting baseball players, even if he needs to use a subpoena to do so.
Well, this is one situation where a perjury investigation might be in order.
It's amazing to me the venom Stewdog spews at Bonds but keeps in check when it comes to McGwire, one of his beloved Cardinals (although he was really an Oakland Athletic for most of his career).
Bonds, McGwire (who went to my high school), and Sosa should all be taken out by the MLB firing squad and summarily shot.
Mac isn't in the news now, Bonds is. If Mac did steroids (and judging by his performance before congress, it seems that he did) then he should not be in the HOF and his records require an asterisk.
But there is also a MAJOR difference between Bonds and Mac. Mac is a good guy, was a good ambassador for the game (juice excluded), and was generous with charities, both in time and cash. Bonds is a total jerk. . the worst thing that ever happened to baseball. . exhibit A for the spoiled classless jock.
Listen NO ONE dislike Bonds more than me..or is a bigger Cardinal fan either...but I think you have to remember that baseball had NO steriod ban when Mac and Sammy were going head to head in 98, or when Barry hit 73. I'm not saying that makes it okay, not at all, but I don't think you can just abolish their records either. The fact is that Bonds has NEVER tested positive for any banned substance...either has Mac..and like it or can't disregard their accomplishments on speculation and circumstantial evidence no matter HOW powerful it is. Ty Cobb was a bigot, Babe Ruth a drunkard, and many more over the years were living on "Greenies"...and they ALL are in the hall...I would be more likely to not vote Sosa into the hall because he used a corked bat then his alleged use of steriods.. As far as Mac and Barry?...I think those guys have dug their OWN grave....
I'm not necessarily asking to keep them out of the Hall of Fame, but I think it's reasonable to put asterisks by their names in the record books. Being a bigot didn't help Cobb get a leg up on his competition (though segregation did, I'm sure), and being a drunk didn't help the Babe set the homerun record. I'm convinced steroids helped those people (Bonds and Mac). They're cheaters.
McGwire is a good guy? He's a hole that prefaces itself with an "a". Can't stand the guy. Never could. He and Sosa in '98 were so juiced up that their eyeballs were oozing junk juice.
Bonds is a jerk. McGwire is a jerk. Sosa is a jerk. David Eckstein is what baseball is all about. Not those anabolic Cretins.
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