Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Sunday, April 23, 2006

It's a zoo out there

Wonderdog, pups and I decided to brave the Los Angeles Zoo today as my elder son has been talking a lot about animals lately. We went there hoping to see a few animals since it was on the cooler side and we figured they'd more likely be out and about. We indeed only saw a "few" animals as most were sleeping or hiding or not even present because the Zoo seems to always be "improving habitats". So anyway, as we were walking and looking for fun and interesting animals, my son says, "I want to see the terradactyls!"
Okkaaay. Thinking...thinking...thinking of how to explain to a not-quite-three-year-old that terradactyls are extinct...they don't exist anymore...they're...dead. Well, since we haven't gone the "dead" route yet, our answer was, "Oh, sweetie. I'm sorry, but they don't have any terradactyls here."

...So, instead we wandered over to our fourth variety of mountain goat.


Blogger Kate Marie said...

Scotty blogging again! Put your feet up and stay awhile, why don't you?

Wonderpup cracks me up!

April 25, 2006 8:50 PM  

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