Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I missed this Hollywood news. It seems that Brangelina is planning to make a movie about the Daniel Pearl murder. Bradd Pitt hopes that "the film can increase understanding between people of all faiths and portray the story and the people involved as honestly as possible without anger or judgment.”

Because, you know, we wouldn't want to get all judgmental about anti-Semitic, misogynist, homophobic murderers, would we? We travel down that road and we may very well end up saying mean, judgmental things about vapid, self-important celebrities and the way they wear their often chaotic and less than admirable personal lives as a fashion statement to advertise their devotion to worthy causes.

And that would be cruel. And it might even make them feel bad about themselves. And feeling bad about yourself is the one thing it's okay to be judgmental about in the Brangelina world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind would even WANT to watch, much less make a movie on the Pearl murder? And do they really think that a large section of the American public will walk away from this film with new found respect and understanding for the people who be-headed this poor man? I guess you can become so secluded by "stardom" as these two seem to be, that you lose total perspective on what the real truth of a situation is.

July 20, 2006 2:29 PM  
Blogger stewdog said...

Understanding the motivation and psyche of murdering Islamofascists is certainly my #1 priority. My only question is how will they handle the murder itself? Will it be graphic and get an NC17 rating, toned down a bit for an R, or will the camera turn away entirely so that they can capture that all important teen audience?

July 21, 2006 7:50 AM  

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