Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Friday, July 20, 2007

In Jeff's eyes . . .

My friend Jeff gets nostalgic about medieval costume dramas on televison, and -- if you're paying attention -- about one of the great "teen comedies" of the 80's:

You can also enjoy a few scenes from the [Covington Cross], including some that feature the enchanting Ione Skye as the tomboyish Eleanor. Unfortunately, no one on YouTube has posted my favorite scene: the one where a young squire spends the evening outside Eleanor’s tower window holding a box over his head. (Tragically, nothing happens, because D-cell batteries for boom boxes wouldn’t be invented for another 500 years.) Right after that, Eleanor’s father takes her aside and reminds her, in a tender and memorable moment, “Wotest thu wel, thu canst enye thynge seye unto me.”

Ah, nostalgia. It’s enough to make one praise the resolution of all those fruitless searches and buy the DVDs…


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