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Take 500 from the opposite of light, and tell me where your father's father dwelt in the time of the Deluge.
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"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice." -Bill Cosby
posted by Kate Marie | 10:12 AM | Permalink | 4 comments
I don't get it. I can't say that I'm much of a fan.
My tongue was firmly in cheek, SD. It cracks me up when Arthur sees her in that get up and declares, "God, she's beautiful!"
Stew?...are you KIDDING ME?...that red straw cowboy hat...the Ferrari shirt and bag...those black Converse?...This women is the VISION of true beauty!! ...and gives without a doubt the greatest performance of her life!
She's got some eyes on her, that's for sure.
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I don't get it. I can't say that I'm much of a fan.
My tongue was firmly in cheek, SD. It cracks me up when Arthur sees her in that get up and declares, "God, she's beautiful!"
Stew?...are you KIDDING ME?...that red straw cowboy hat...the Ferrari shirt and bag...those black Converse?...This women is the VISION of true beauty!! ...and gives without a doubt the greatest performance of her life!
She's got some eyes on her, that's for sure.
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