Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Colorado Craziness

As if the good Perfesser "Looney Ward" Churchill wasn't enough, this dispatch from the Rocky Mountain state:
"Two teenage girls who surprised their neighbors in Durango with homemade cookies were ordered to pay nearly $900 in medical bills for a woman who says she was so startled that she had to go to the hospital with an upset stomach.
Judge Doug Walker declined to award punitive damages, saying he did not believe the girls acted maliciously.
Taylor Ostergaard, 17, and Lindsey Jo Zellitti, 18, baked the chocolate chip and sugar cookies one night in July and dropped them off with a note that said 'Have a great night.' Wanita Renea Young, 49, said she was frightened when the girls knocked on her door."

And speakin of the Perfesser, it struck me that the titles of some of his articles would make great songs for a head banging, punk, goth, deconstrution band:

Life in Occupied America
Acts of Rebellion
In a Pig's Eye: Reflections o the Police State, Repression and Native Americans
(OK, we'll just go with the 45 "pigs eye" instead of the album version of that song)
Fantasies of the Master Race.

OK, I'm out. I have a date with Dr. 1040.


Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

Tort reform now!

Say, y'all catch Rummie's piece in Friday's Wall Street Journal?

This part brought a tear to my eye (I hadn't heard it, despite it being "widely reported"): As was widely reported, one Iraqi policeman tackled and drove a suicide bomber back 50 feet from a polling station screaming, "Let me save the people!" before the bomber's belt exploded, killing them both.

Bravo and may God have mercy on his soul.

February 05, 2005 11:39 AM  

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