Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Power of Language

We had a terrible event here last week in which a police officer shot and killed the driver of a car. It has become your classic urban soap opera, with the usual suspects lining up against the police and their counterparts lining up against the people who are lining up against the police. Wherein lies the truth, I don't presume to know, so I generally keep my opinions fluid until the evidence is all in.
What we do know from reading the paper and watching the boob tube, is that the driver was only 13, was driving a stolen car, had led the police on a chase, it was something like 3 in the morning, and the officer fired 8 shots when the driver was backing the car into him. Not that it SHOULD matter, but the decedant was black and the officer was not (he was Hispanic).
I set forth that background to give my gripe. Every news account sets forth all the above as FACT, with the exception that the driver ALLEGEDLY was backing the car into the officer. The use of that modifier brings into question the officer's account. However, there is no 'allegedly' attached to any of the other "facts" of this case.
Meanwhile, those who condemn "rushes to judgment" have been busy doing just that.
I Love LA!!!!


Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

I hope you're not implying that your local newspeople are EDITORIALIZING during news shows?!?!

February 15, 2005 5:56 PM  
Blogger Wonderdog said...

I reserve judgment on these things as well until I know the facts. You did hit on one fact that I think explains, however, why the rabid anti-police rhetoric has remained suprisingly tame thus far -- the officer implicated is Latino. The sad fact is that this tends to taper the zealousness of the "no justice, no peace" crowd. They much prefer to have a white devil in their cross-hairs. It also explains why the Rampart Division scandal, perhaps the biggest instance of abuse and corruption in LAPD history, was reduced to a radar blip. In case you don't know or have forgotten, the police main players in that scandal were latino and black.

This story will go away quietly. It doesn't have the right color dynamic.

If I sound cynical, it's because I am.

February 15, 2005 9:09 PM  
Blogger Grumpy Old Man said...

If the media are covering this to death, why has no one asked what in tarnation a 13-year old was doing out at 3:00 in the morning? Not to mention stealing cars.

Neither is a capital offense, but whatever adult was responsible for this child is very likely to blame.

Obvious, but has anyone covered this in the media? Sorry, I can't stomach the LA Times, so I don't know.

February 17, 2005 10:07 PM  

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