Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Of Comics and Codes

Tim Rutten's column in Saturday's Times is worth a read.


Blogger Kate Marie said...

That was a *great* one. I'm surprised, because I generally find Rutten wishy washy.

February 11, 2006 10:49 AM  
Blogger stewdog said...

I agree. The Times makes me angry because they can't keep their anti Bush bias on the editorial pages. Rutten has angered me before, and generally I want to read the calendar without political assult, but he has shown his mettle in recent columns.
Michael Hiltzik, in the business section, you can have.

February 11, 2006 11:49 AM  
Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

CIV will recount a true story that teaches the same lesson the US mainstream media is teaching us today.

CIV attended exactly one student government meeting at college. This was the meeting where they gave out money to various clubs. Keep in mind this was the late 70s, when dinosaurs still walked the earth.

The Gay Student Union rep and a couple of smallish men stood up at their turn and asked for money. The government turned them down. Then it was the turn of the Black Student Union. The BSU sent in a small crowd of very large men looking not very friendly who all stood around the seated and very white student government while a BSU rep asked for money. Now their request was no more or less valid than the GSU's, but -- surprise, surprise -- they got every dime they asked for.

CIV has never believed that "violence doesn't solve anything." Nor, it seems, does the credible threat of violence not achieve anything.

February 11, 2006 12:04 PM  

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