Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Thursday, February 15, 2007


The media has made darling heros of Lance Williams and Mark Fainaru-Wada, SF Chronicle reporters who broke the BALCO story and then wrote a book about it. They have "bravely" refused to divulge their source for the leak of grand jury testimony, facing the possibility of incarceration. Oh. . what wonderful knights in shining armor they seemed to be (that is, to other media types).
But. . the plot thickens. The source of the leak has been outed. Turns out that it was Victor Conte's lawyer Troy Ellerman:
"In March 2004, Ellerman signed an agreement that he would not disclose grand jury testimony given to him to prepare the defense. But in June of that year, he allowed Fainaru-Wada to come to his office and take verbatim notes of Montgomery, and the Chronicle published a story about the sprinter's testimony on June 24, according to court documents."
Well, Ellerman's ticket to practice law is about to be punched and he's going to do a little time.
But what of our heros? They knew that the source of the leak was Ellerman. Ellerman then went to the court, complained of the leaks COMING FROM THE PROSECUTION, and pushed to have the case dismissed. Meanwhile, did our knights in shining armor come forward to let the court know what fraud was being foisted upon it? Hell no! And because they didn't, they were complicit in the fraud that Ellerman foisted upon the court.


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