Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Monday, February 05, 2007

Rudy's Running

Rudy Giuliani appears primed for a run at next year's presidential election. This may change, but as of now, I'm backing Rudy. While my heart tells me that Mitt Romney should be my man, my head is with Giuliani. Romney appears articulate, good-looking, and is a torch-bearer of true conservative policy. However, in these times, I'm not sure that he's what America is looking for. Right now, we don't need Republican policy wonks or those who make an easy target as an MSM religious right "Mormon extremist." That's a bit of a recipe for disaster against a Hillary Clinton ("liberation and new direction!") candidacy.

Instead, my head (and even a bit of my heart still) is with Rudy. Yeah, he has a bit of a liberal stance on gun control, abortion, and gay rights; yet those are issues which only states can ultimately control, not the president. As president, he has no real hand in crafting these stances into state law or policy. Therefore, I'm not concerned.

One thing I do know about Rudy is that he's a leader. He's also genuine, smart, witty, charismatic, tough on crime, resolute in fighting terrorism and winning the war in Iraq, anti-big government, big on tax relief, and (most attractively) takes in his stride a pride, confidence, joy and optimism for our beloved America.

And here's the best argument of all for Rudy -- If he gets the nomination, Hillary's toast. She'd be lucky to get New York.

Right now, Rudy's my man.


Blogger Kate Marie said...

I agree -- but in some ways its precisely my heart that tells me to vote for Rudy, and not my head. No time to elaborate on that right now.

The one way the president has a big impact on issues like abortion/gun control is in his appointment for the courts. According to reports I've read, Giuliani has said he'd appoint justices like Roberts and Alito.

It's interesting that it may end up being two "first name" candidates for the presidency -- Rudy versus Hillary.

February 05, 2007 4:43 PM  
Blogger Wonderdog said...

Funny you should say your "heart", KM. When I originally wrote the post, I had said that my "heart" was with Rudy while my "head" was with Mitt. However, upon further thought, it seemed that Rudy was actually the smarter (head) choice and that Mitt probably could't win. Therefore, I switched the nouns for each candidate. While I did mention that my "heart" was still somewhat with Rudy, perhaps I should have just given into my insticts and said it out-right -- both my heart and head are with the guy!

February 05, 2007 4:49 PM  
Blogger stewdog said...

Wonderdog, I will chalk this misstatement of yours up to the fact that your young children have sucked your brains out of your head:
"Yeah, he has a bit of a liberal stance on gun control, abortion, and gay rights; Yet those are issues which only states can ultimately control, not the president."
Um, have you forgotten that it is the Supreme Court, appointed by the President that is now the final arbiter of all things gun control, aborion and gay rights? The president does control those issues by his or her Supreme Court appointments. In my opnion, the most important issue in presidential politics is appointments to the bench, especially the Supreme Court.
Rudy will have problems with the Republican base, but if the base has a brain, it will run him through and realize that we need a moderate to win this election.
Kate Marie, remember, when in doubt "Follow your HEART".

February 05, 2007 8:24 PM  
Blogger Wonderdog said...

SD, I think my brains are still intact, despite the little ones' attempt to turn them to jello.

The 10th Amendment specifically states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Gun Control, Abortion, and gay rights are not, in my opinion, subject matters delegated to the United States under our Constitution. Therefore, they are very much reserved to the states (In the absence of a Constitutional Amendment). The President and the Supreme Court have no business dictating the law in these areas.

Granted, Giuliani might have some limited impact on these issues through judicial appointment at the appellate level, but, not enough to change our world. KM accordingly points out that he is very much in favor of conservative judges. I'm not concerned.

February 06, 2007 12:45 AM  
Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

Rudy has already missed two chances to stop Hillary. If she hadn't won the Senate seat, she wouldn't be running for president. The CIV household was very disappointed that their check to his campaign went to waste when he backed out of the race. We are taking a wait and see position this time around.

February 06, 2007 8:12 AM  
Blogger Conservative in Virginia said...

We also wonder if the Dems who have already dropped out of the primary race against Hil have cats or kids.

February 06, 2007 8:14 AM  
Blogger stewdog said...

Hey, Wonderdog. Hope you enjoyed that trip to Never Never Land, but it is time to come on home. I know what the 10th Amendment says, but anything concerning Gun Control is going to be decided ultimately by the US Supreme Court under the 2nd Amendment. Anything to do with Abortion is going to be decided by the Supreme Court under the tortured logic of Roe v. Wade, and anything concerning Gay rights will also eventually be decided by the "Stop. . In the Name of Law" Supremes, sans Dianna Ross.
Right now Guiliani appears to be the most electable of the Repubs. A hard right conservative will lose THIS election. I have no problem with the Rudimeister.

February 06, 2007 11:07 AM  
Blogger Kate Marie said...

"Kate Marie, remember, when in doubt 'Follow your HEART'."

-- What heart?

February 06, 2007 12:14 PM  

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