Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Monday, November 08, 2004

Phantom Fury

Operation Phantom Fury has begun in earnest. Initial reports of the offensive are good so far. Let's keep our prayers and well-wishes (for the secularists) going for our brave men and women fighting for freedom in the world and American security.

Just an aside here -- What do you think would be happening in and around Fallujah today if Kedwards had been elected last week? I think it's a safe bet we wouldn't see what's happening today. Most likely the terrorists would be heartened and emboldened by America's rejection of the war on terror and Kerry's exclamations of "wrong war, wrong time, wrong place" rhetoric. Our troops would be shuffling their feet and held in perpetual inaction and confusion while the U.N. and Kerry held summits to plan our retreat from the fight. Recruitment among Al Qaeda would increase as the thugs and murderers began to feel a momentum swing in their favor. The Middle East, which was on the brink of democracy, would be ebbing back from its brief taste of freedom into its shell of tyranny, murder, oppression, and darkness. And slowly but surely our security here at home would become less and less secure.

Instead, with the American people giving Bush a mandate to continue the fight, the thugs are in retreat and being slaughtered by our renewed and energized forces. The terrorists in our path are now feeling the ground-swell of American resolve for the fight. Not only are they feeling the figurative ground-swell but the literal ground-shaking portents of a rolling army on the march. As they hide in their holes and half-way houses, looking wide-eyed with fear at one another, they can hear the ominous thunder of free men and women pounding the gound to root them out. They know now that their end is near. John Kerry and the appeasers of terror cannot save them.

The U.N. will remain spectators, holding their "manhoods cheap", while they watch the revolution from their fluffy pillows. And when it's all said and done, years from now, they will stake a claim to it. They will snuggle up under the blanket of security that was provided by the nations who had the gumption to weave it...

Am I rambling here?...Ramble onward, freedom.


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