Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Friday, November 05, 2004

Sighhh...And then there's this

From Meghan Clyne over at the Corner.

From the New York Times yesterday, on the Kerry-concession process:

For much of Tuesday, campaign workers exuded confidence after surveys of voters leaving the polls showed Mr. Kerry with an edge over Mr. Bush. But as the night wore on, the real results told a different story. The critical moment came at 12:41 a.m. Wednesday, when, shortly after Florida had been painted red for Mr. Bush, Fox News declared that Ohio--and, very likely, the presidency--was in Republican hands. Howard Wolfson, a strategist, burst into the "boiler room" in Washington where the brain trust was huddled and said, "we have 30 seconds" to stop the other networks from following suit. The campaign's pollster, Mark Mellman, and the renowned organizer Michael Whouley quickly dialed ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC--and all but the last refrained from calling the race through the night. Then Mr. Wolfson banged out a simple, two-line statement expressing confidence that Mr. Kerry would win Ohio once the remaining ballots were counted.

Based on this, Clyne opines:

So the Times has documented that ABC, CBS, and CNN are the willing instruments of the Democrats, happy to manipulate their own coverage at the party’s behest. Nothing we didn’t know already; but damning evidence, from a source that can hardly be dismissed as a VRWC organ.

Based on this, I opine:

I think it's time to gather up the MSM, declare it totaled, and salvage what we can for parts.


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