Today is

   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Sullivan's Babbles

This is from Andrew Sullivan via Hugh Hewitt:

The real problem in the gay male epidemic right now is the use of crystal meth (it is hurting the health of people already HIV-positive just as much as it is contributing to the infections of people who are HIV-negative). This drug has rampaged and is coursing through straight rural America and parts of gay urban America. As many of you know, I'm a libertarian when it comes to recreational drug use (and what consenting adults do in private). But I draw the line at this drug. It's evil, potent beyond belief, it's destroying people's minds, careers, lives and souls. If we don't get a grip on it, it may undo all the progress we have made against HIV in the gay world. We gay men shouldn't simply fund advertizing or ask health authorities to help (although that's necessary). We should start insisting privately on zero tolerance of this drug among our friends and loved ones. We should do this informally, socially, privately - out of love and concern for one another. We should encourage every addict to get treatment. (Here's one resource. I'll happily post more if contacted.) We have risen to the occasion before and we can do so again. Not by stigmatizing, blaming or ostracizing. But by confronting, persuading, begging one another to overcome this menace.

Now, I don't begrudge Sullivan or Hugh the noble attempt to do something about the destructive force of a dangerous drug. I'd like to see meth off the streets as much as anyone. But I'm a bit disturbed by Sullivan taking up this cause primarily because this drug is ravaging the "gay world". What about, say, the drugs that are ravaging the poor black communities such as crack cocaine? Or, hey, here's a novelty! How about the drugs that just ravage people, period? I would like to hear Sullivan kindly explain why harm to humanity itself is insufficient to raise him from the reclining posture of his libertarian/consenting adults couch. Is his prism so narrow that only harm to the gay community is worth such an effort? How ridiculous. What's even more ridiculous is the total contradiction in his position here, which boils down to this: It's okay to use recreational drugs because there's no harm in it but I must draw the line with this recreational drug because it's causing great harm (to gays in particular). It's libertarian schizophrenia with a gay twist.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderdog's bloviations are causing me pandiculations.

February 17, 2005 6:10 PM  

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