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   "A word to the wise ain't necessary --  
          it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
					-Bill Cosby

Friday, May 26, 2006

Hastert vs. ABC

I don't know if Dennis Hastert is in the mix or not but the possibility of his being under investigation is at least one explanation for his strange and immediate criticism of the FBI and the Bush administration. I'm not in line with the the conventional conservative defense of Hastert vs. ABC here. Whether he's involved in any of this bribery stuff or not (which, actually, I tend to doubt), I blame him for giving the MSM a reason to ignore the Jefferson debacle and focus on the bogus Bush Aministration breach of Seperation of Powers angle.

Here we have a sleazy Democratic congressman taking substantial bribes and what's the story? Bush and the FBI and Hastert.

The MSM knows that the Jefferson story undermines what will be the Democrat theme this fall of Republican corruption and therefore they're more than willing to ignore it and somehow contort it into a criticism of Bush.

I blame Hastert for giving them the opportunity to do so.


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